Choosing to Win Despite Setbacks

Have you ever been laid off or let go from a job and afterwards, you felt like a failure?  Or maybe you’ve been in transition, whether going back to school to pursue a degree, starting a new job, having a new baby, getting into a new relationship, leaving a bad relationship, or just wanting to make a simple career change.  Can you relate? … More Choosing to Win Despite Setbacks

Are You a P.P.J?

Many people in the world are silently dying inside because they are P.P.J.s (People Pleasing Junkies). I am a recovering People Pleasing Junkie, and want to share my story. My prayer is that my transparency will encourage all of you who have and are currently struggling with the same addiction. Enjoy! … More Are You a P.P.J?

The Battle Within: Overcoming The Torment in Your Mind

Have you ever asked yourself, “why do I keep struggling with the same issues?” or “when will my circumstances ever change?”. Well my friends, you are not alone. In my 35 years of life, the one thing I’ve come to the realization of is that although we may not understand why we’re experiencing what we’re experiencing, or are in the midst of a circumstance that’s beyond our mental capacity, God knows exactly WHY we’re in the position we’re in. I call this struggle, the “battle within”. … More The Battle Within: Overcoming The Torment in Your Mind